Tuesday, March 22, 2011

BCS-CA1-4. Students will use spreadsheet software to create, edit, and publish industry appropriate files.

  1. Identify components of the spreadsheet window using industry terminology and efficiently navigate throughout the worksheets and workbook.
  2. Demonstrate creating, opening, saving, renaming, inserting, deleting, retrieving, and closing a worksheet and workbooks.
  3. Differentiate among and enter text, numbers, formulas, and functions.
  4. Apply editing and enhancement features to cell contents, e.g. edit, fill, rotate, move, merge, size, number formats, styles, borders, and colors. 
  5. Apply page setup features, e.g. margins, headers/footers, page order, grid lines, repeating row/column titles, comments, shrink-to-fit, page orientation, and center horizontally/vertically. 
  6. Create, insert, modify, and position appropriate graphics. 
  7. Apply freeze rows and columns and window tile. 
  8. Create, enter, and edit formulas using arithmetic expressions and math order of operations. 
  9. Apply and edit functions, e.g. SUM, MIN, MAX, AVE, COUNT. 
  10. Apply relative, absolute, and mixed cell references in formulas. 
  11. Copy, move, and verify accuracy of formulas. 
  12. Create effective charts or graphs which represent relevant data most effectively. 
  13. Edit and label chart components such as axis, legends, titles, etc. 
  14. Print charts and graphs in industry standard format on separate sheet or embedded with data.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Week 9

We will review during enhancement for your 9-Weeks Exam

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Week of February 28, 2011

Week 8 of the Semester - Click your tab to see your assignments.